The Lianne Terry Counselling Blog


5 tips to help you feel good about yourself

5 tips to help you feel good about yourself

1. Change your self-talk Start to notice what you are saying to yourself, it may surprise you how often you say unkind things, allow yourself to observe these thoughts, and not judge yourself for having them. Ask yourself if a friend was talking to themselves in such...

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Improving your relationship with food

Improving your relationship with food

Improving your relationship with food Having a good relationship with food isn’t necessarily easy for all of us, and we may have to work on it all our lives in the same way you’d work on any relationship. 1. Understand your relationship with food: Before you can work...

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Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

So this week I’m going to be talking a bit about disordered eating, so firstly, what are eating disorders? There are 5 types of eating disorder defined in the DSM, but there are others, the 5 defined in the DSM are: 1. Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia has the highest...

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Parenting is difficult right

Parenting is difficult right

Sometimes, I personally get so caught up in being a busy Mum, doing all the things, that I forget to actually be present in the moment with my kids. I’m so stressy when they’re messing around when we’re in a hurry to get somewhere, that I forget to laugh at how funny...

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In the 21st Century, loneliness is said to be epidemic, and feeling lonely can lead to depression, anxiety, disrupted sleep and stress. In can also factor in many physical illnesses too. A few facts about loneliness from various surveys and studies are: ·...

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I’m not depressed – Do I need Counselling

I’m not depressed – Do I need Counselling

Personally, I think all of us could benefit from some counselling, and depression is certainly one thing that may bring you to the counselling room. In fact, one in five people in the UK have accessed counselling at some point and more than half of us know something...

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Counselling – Session One

Counselling – Session One

What to expect from your first session Counselling – Session One Sometimes people may avoid going for counselling because they are scared, or don’t know what it involves, so I wanted to write a brief description of what I do with my clients on their first session. On...

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Grief isn’t just when someone dies

Grief isn’t just when someone dies

Grief isn’t just when someone dies When you think about the term grief, most likely you associate it with when someone dies, but grief is about loss of any kind. · Break up · Losing a friend · Divorce · Loss of health · A miscarriage · Retirement · Loss of...

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Tips to help you work through grief

Tips to help you work through grief

So, the other day, I talked about how grief can cover a range of events, today, I’m going to focus on the grief that comes from losing someone important to you. You’ll likely experience a range of emotions, and it’s really important to recognise how you feel, instead...

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Are you living your best queer life?