Parenting is difficult right

Sometimes, I personally get so caught up in being a busy Mum, doing all the things, that I forget to actually be present in the moment with my kids. I’m so stressy when they’re messing around when we’re in a hurry to get somewhere, that I forget to laugh at how funny they actually are. I’m so worried about doing everything I need to do workwise that I forget to enjoy the cuddle they’re giving me or the amazing story they are telling me.

As much as it’s a bit shit for my kids that I’m not always present in the moment, forgetting about them for a minute (not that they’d ever let me) it’s also a bit shit for me! According to The Guardian, recent research suggests that parents become happier when their children have left home, which is a really sad statistic isn’t it. So how can we find the joy in raising our kids, instead of it feeling like a chore?

I’m no parenting expert, I’m literally just winging it, so I looked at the ideas of some experts to come up with a few suggestions:

· Remove parenting from your mindset, and instead see your child as someone relate to, instead of someone to parent, and be curious about them, and find joy in their curiosity about you.

· Stop taking millions of pictures (don’t get me wrong, take some) and instead, just be in the moment with your child.

· Instead of worrying about your child being ahead or behind, focus on what you’re learning from them, rather than what you’re teaching them.

· Don’t be competitive, competitiveness is rooted in insecurity and valuing our children for themselves, instead of in relation to others is vital in terms of appreciating them.

· Be more honest with your kids, let them know that you make mistakes too, if you don’t want to do something, tell them why.

· Make space for your relationship with your child to grow, by having regular one-to-one time, doing something you both enjoy.

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