Healing the family wounds you never knew you had
A reflective talk around how our entirely typical childhood experiences have inflicted emotional wounds, followed by a thorough exploration of the path towards healing and achieving a state of happiness and fulfilment in life.
Is the Quest for Happiness the Most important mission you’ll ever undertake?
A compelling talk on the journey towards happiness centred on introspection regarding the obstacles we encounter and strategies for dismantling them from within ourselves.
Looking at yourself through the lens of attachment
A thought-provoking talk about how our attachment types impact our daily experiences and the steps we can take to transition towards a more secure attachment.
Other Topics
Relationships, Dissociative Identity Disorder, LGBTQIA+, Anxiety, creative therapy, and the impact of listening.

To talk to Lianne about any speaking engagements please contact her at:
Email: lianne.terry@outlook.com
Phone: 07970 353 819
“Thank you for presenting your attachment theory talk to us today. It was really valuable to us all. I am astounded that no matter how much work you think you’ve done on yourself, there’s always something like this, that on the surface looks simple, that takes you to another level of self awareness. This is what happened to me today.”