Tips to help you work through grief
So, the other day, I talked about how grief can cover a range of events, today, I’m going to focus on the grief that comes from losing someone important to you.
You’ll likely experience a range of emotions, and it’s really important to recognise how you feel, instead of pushing it away. These emotions might include: Sadness, Anger, Guilt, Acceptance, whatever emotion you are feeling is ok, try not to compare yourself to others because grief is subjective.
A few things that might help you work through your grief are the following:
Journalling: Writing down how you’re feeling, or memories can be a great way to track how you’re feeling and reassure you.
Cry: If you feel like crying, please don’t hold it back, try and let whatever you are feeling come up
Connect with people: grieving can be lonely, so try talking to your friends and family, or others who are experiencing the same feelings as you
Give yourself time: There is no rush, it’s totally normal to feel all kinds of things when grieving, and there is no timeline on that
Grief time: Maybe set aside 15 minutes each day to sit with your feelings and experience them in a safe place.